Valencian half wedge
an espadrille for every day

Half wedge pinxo
Traditional Catalan ribbon espadrille

Lace-up espadrille in classic Blucher style.

Sarrià Ribbons
Sarrià wedge espadrille with ribbons

Valencian Topolino
An ideal height for a comfortable and elegant look.
We are dedicated to making espadrilles, but we also love to write about culture, artisan traditions and the people who make up La Manual.
Backlights and shadows in Gothic II
An invitation to look at the beauty that surrounds us, to stop for a moment and be aware of what is around us. As happens when we put on a pair of handmade espadrilles, we feel our feet and remember that they are there and that it is a pleasure to walk comfortably.
The story of Guelé Poleng espadrilles to protect our customers’ feet like they protect the sacred in Bali.
At Manual Alpargatera we understand the value of this tradition as something of our own and that is why we decided to make espadrilles dedicated to all those people who keep this wonderful heritage of humanity alive, as an artisan tribute to this tradition.
Pāṭa patha, the path of jute (3)
In this last installment of the first part of the journey of jute, “Pāṭa patha, the path of jute”, we will explore where the fiber we enjoy so much on our feet comes from. We will see a factory that suffered the consequences of the change in the market following the appearance of “synthetic raffia” bags.
Carrer won 7

Our shop-workshop is easily recognizable worldwide by its emblematic façade and is located in the heart of the Gothic Quarter.

Go to the Workshop
Comfort, sustainability and design: in our workshop we know what we do

Go to Materials
Sustainability is the essence of La Manual
We work with local suppliers and our espadrilles are made from 100% vegetable fibers.

About the Manual
Tradition and creativity, handcrafted since 1940 at 7 Avinyó Street
Ours is a family story, a tale about people who are passionate about making espadrilles and dedicate their entire lives to it.