Union makes force. This could be the motto of the ‘castells’, the human towers that have long been considered an essential symbol of Catalan identity and, since 2010, Humanity’s Intangible Heritage by UNESCO.
The hug of a large group of people forms the “pinya” (pinefruit) on which the construction of the human castle stands, various smaller and smaller circles that stand up to the sky and, on top, the smallest child of the “colla” (group) stands up and courageously raises his hand, the child it’s “l’Enxaneta”.

“Castells” have their origin in the eighteenth century, in the areas of Camp de Tarragona or Penedés, although this tradition quickly expanded throughout Catalonia until reaching the Balearic Islands. Its origin comes from the Valencian Moixiganga, part of the old ‘Balls dels Valencians’ that were celebrated around the religious processions and that eventually gained strength and became independent from the dances.

Our thanks so much to the “Colles” as well as to the photographers (Andrea Lopez, Colla Castellera Jove de Barcelona; Jordi Millàs y Vanessa Blánquez, Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls – in order of collaboration) Also to the Coordinadora de Colles Castelleres de Catalunya, for the help received and the good work they all make.